Submitting a Conference Talk Proposal
last updated: 2011-03-04

Proposals should be sent before 1 December 2010 as an email with an attached Word file to the address 
Conference talk proposals (abstract and selective bibliography) will be submitted to the conference committee, composed of an international roster of specialists. Notification of selection will be sent to presenters within twelve weeks.

Each conference talk proposal, in French or English, will include the following elements:

•    First and last name of the presenter(s);
•    Institutional(s) affiliation(s);
•    Biography of presenter(s) (maximum 150 words);
•    Mailing address, telephone number and email address;
•    Proposed title of talk;
•    Abstract (500-800), clearly presenting the subject, objectives and methodology used
•    Selective bibliography (3-8 references) and principle sources used (archives, experimental or ethnographic data, etc.).


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MESHS — 2, rue des Canonniers, 59000 Lille
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 meshs.frMaison européenne des sciences de l'homme et de la société, USR 3185  

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Ircam, équipe APM
Univ. Lille-3, CEAC
Projet ANR MuTeC

Université Lille 3CEAC

This symposium is supported by :

Ministère de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche
Ministère de la culture et de la communication